Sunday, 29 January 2012

Waiting to begin

This weekend Chris made his second visit to the garden to map it. He brought his huge drawing boards and all his interesting protractors, and set up on an iron table on the front porch. Chris' mapping has become exponential. It began with the need for enlarging a scale version of the boundary lines so that the gardening consultant, Manuela, could begin planning. Now the map embraces every rocky outcrop and water course, every shrub and tree, and helpful notes on the condition of soil, weeds and hard surfaces. I cannot interrupt this process because he is enjoying it immensely...a great project for a retired gentleman who missed his calling in maps. When the great map is complete I will post it here.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Restoring the gardens at Far Out

Far Out

There are three subdivisions in one corner of  this 1200 acres of hills above Charlotte Vale Creek, in what Google maps claims to be Georges Plains.   The Old School is just a burned out skeleton waiting for an inspired and wealthy renovator.  The Old Church is just an 1870's stone foundation with trees growing through. The bricks were taken away for another building. Our place which is currently called Far Out,  used to be the post office and school master’s house. It was built in 1879.

 This blog will hopefully become the story of the renovation of the gardens at Far Out. Thankfully the house doesn't need much doing to it apart from a new roof.